
This page contains news of the category

Is now online the new NoiPA payslip’s illustrated Guide

An intuitive and comprehensive guide is now available on the website to facilitate the consultation of the NoiPA pay slip.

MEF and ABI Lab signed an agreement to simplify the salary-backed loan

A further step towards the improvement and complete digitalisation of NoiPA services

March 20th is the due date for the arrears payments of the 2019-2021 Education and Research National Collective Labor Contract (CCNL)

The increases provided for by the 2019-2021 School and AFAM teaching, and ATA employees contractual renewal have been settled with a special issuance.

With the new self-service “Management of dependents and deductions” you can provide more information for the pre-filled 730 mod.

The recent update of the “Management of dependents and deductions” service allows you to include children under 21 as dependents for automatic recognition in the pre-filled declaration.

Asset Publisher


Nella pagina Partner istituzionali e Stakeholder sono state pubblicate le nuove modalità di acquisizione delle Certificazioni Uniche 2024 elaborate dal sistema NoiPA e il relativo modulo di richiesta.


Ultime news per categoria

IO App: now available on Android and iOS stores

The IO app of the Italian Public Administration is now available with the open beta version and can be downloaded for free from Android and iOS app stores.

Open data: the information heritage of NoiPA available to everyone

Published a new update of the Open Data section of the NoiPA portal with the addition of a new dataset on withholding tax for credit claims.

Credenziali di accesso NoiPA: raccomandazioni per l’uso

Le credenziali di accesso al sistema NoiPA devono essere protette con la massima cura. Leggi le raccomandazioni per una corretta gestione della password e per difenderti dai tentativi di phishing.

NoiPA al Forum PA 2019, con il Ministro Tria

Il 15 maggio, alle ore 15.00, il convegno "La digital transformation della PA raccontata dai suoi protagonisti" - NoiPA presenta la docu-serie 'Ogni Santo 23' con la partecipazione del Ministro dell'Economia e delle Finanze.

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