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CAF - CU2023 acquisition procedure

Is now available, on the Institutional Partner istituzionali e Stakeholder page, the new acquisition procedure for 2023 to obtain the Single Certifications. The new procedure and the relative application form has been developed and published by the NoiPA system.


Technical interventions will be held through Friday the 7th and Saturday the 8th of July on NoiPA's web portal

Starting from Friday the 7th of July at 7.30 PM and up until Saturday the 8th of July at 5.30 PM, users will be prevented from logging in their NoiPA'S web portal private area in order to allow extraordinary maintenance interventions on the website.
The system will be available starting from Saturday the 8th at 5.30 PM.


CCNL school arrears for over 4 million short and occasional substitute contracts

On Friday 17th March, the arrears of the CCNL Education and Research (2019 - 2021) will be paid for school staff holding short and occasional substitute contracts. The issue will concern 491,653 employees for a total of 4,075,591 contracts. The sums’collection is expected by the end of March.


CCNL school arrears for over 4 million short and occasional substitute contracts

With the application of the National Collective Labor Agreement (2019-2021) in the school and research sector, 4,075,591 short-term and occasional substitute contracts have been updated. 491,653 employees received the arrears. The sums’collection is expected on March 28th.


March issue of 'PArliamo' is online

March issue of 'PArliamo', the newsletter of civil servants, and its podcast version, with constantly updated information regarding the initiatives promoted by the public administrations and issues of interest to public work. More information about the podcast here:


The podcast version of 'PArliamo' is online

The February issue marks the debut of the podcast version of 'PArliamo', the newsletter of civil servants with constantly updated information regarding the initiatives promoted by the public administrations and issues of interest to public work. More information about the podcast here:

Download the new issue of the newsletter here:


Improvement interventions on the NoiPA portal on 4 February

On Saturday 4 February, the portal will be unavailable from 9 a.m. to allow for some technical interventions necessary to improve the usability of payslips and unique certifications (CU) published in the private area of administrators. The service will be available again from 5 p.m.


It's online the second number of 'PArliamo'

The second number of 'PArliamo', public employee’s newsletter with up-to-date information on PA initiatives and topics of interest to the civil service, is now online. Download the new number here:


CCNL arrears for over 1.2 million school and local authority employees

As provided for in the agreement between the Ministry of Education and Merit and the OO.SS, signed on 10 November 2022, on the NoiPA system operations are underway to issue the advance payment of the economic part of the C.C.N.L. for the Education and Research sector, in addition to the economic effects of the C.C.N.L. for Local Functions, for the three-year period 2019-2021. The processing concerns more than one million two hundred thousand administrators and the due date of the sums is scheduled between 27 and 30 December. The actual due date will be communicated in a subsequent message.


Exigibility 29 December 2022 for CCNL school and local authorities arrears

Thursday 29 December 2022 is the due date for arrears related to the advance payment of the economic part of the C.C.N.L. for the Education and Research sector and the economic effects of the C.C.N.L. for Local Functions, for the three-year period 2019-2021.


It's online the seventh number of 'PArliamo'

The seventh number of 'PArliamo', public employee’s newsletter with up-to-date information on PA initiatives and topics of interest to the civil service, is now online. Download the new number here:


It's online the Special Training of 'PArliamo'

The Special Training of 'PArliamo' is online, an edition that focuses on the theme of training and new skills of public employees, two aspects that strengthen the administrative capacity of the PA, improving services to citizens and businesses. Download the new issue here:


Reported phishing attempt against NoiPA users

A phishing attempt against NoiPA users has been detected. Specifically, SMS communications have been received, apparently from NoiPA, requesting access to an address not traceable to our systems ( Should you receive such communications, please do not click on the URL and report the incident to


It's online the sixth issue of 'PArliamo'

The sixth issue of 'PArliamo', public employee’s newsletter with up-to-date information on PA initiatives and topics of interest to the civil service, is now online. Download the new number here:


It's online the fifth issue of 'PArliamo'

The fifth issue of 'PArliamo', public employee’s newsletter with up-to-date information on PA initiatives and topics of interest to the civil service, is now online. Download the new number here:


Firefighters backward: September 27, 2022 Date of value

Tuesday 27 September 2022 is the date of due background of the arrears relating to the increase in salary voices for the staff of the National Fire Brigade, provided for by the DD.P.R. 120 and 121 of 17 June 2022. The arrears, calculated with effect from 1 January 2019, 1 January 2020 and 1 January 2021, include the increase in salary and other skills such as monthly allowance, risk allowance and risk salary and position (fixed quote).


Suspension of the assistance service on Wednesday 29 June

Wednesday 29 June, on the occasion of the feast of the patron saint of the city of Rome, the assistance service is suspended for the whole day.


Arrears FF.AA. and Police Forces: June 28, 2022 due date

Tuesday, June 28, 2022 is the due date of arrears relating to the increase in salary items for non-executive personnel of the Armed Forces. and of the Civil and Military Police Forces, provided for by the D.P.R. 56 and 57 of 20 April 2022. The arrears, calculated with effect from 1 January 2019, 1 January 2020 and 1 January 2021, include the increase in salary and other fixed fees such as functional allowance and retirement allowance.


The fourth issue of 'PArliamo' is online

The fourth issue of 'PArliamo' is online, the newsletter of public employees with constantly updated information regarding the initiatives promoted by the PA and the issues of interest to public work. Download the new issue here:


MEFdona@uCRaIna: there is still time until 20 May to donate

Only a few more days left to join the donation campaign for the people affected by the war in Ukraine. Fundraising for the Italian Croce Rossa continues until 20 May. All donations made by 20 May will be deducted from your pay slip for the month of June.


Giovedì 28 aprile dalle ore 18:00 disabilitati i servizi del portale per aggiornamento di sistema.

A partire dalle ore 18:00 di Giovedì 28 aprile e fino alle ore 8:00 di Sabato 30 aprile, i servizi del portale e dell’app NoiPA saranno disabilitati per consentire l’esecuzione di attività di aggiornamento del sistema di autenticazione.


Wednesday 20 April from 18:00 the portal services are disabled due to system updates.

Wednesday 20 April starting at 18:00 and up to 24:00 the services of the portal and the NoiPA app will be disabled to allow the execution of authentication system update activities.


Substitutes and firefighter volunteers: 28th March 2022 is the due date

Monday 28th March 2022 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of 18th March 2022 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned the contracts that, as of 18th March 2022, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the State's General Accounting Office system had verified the availability of funds in the relevant expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as required by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


PArliamo, la newsletter per i dipendenti pubblici

Nasce ‘PArliamo’, la nuova newsletter dedicata ai dipendenti pubblici per fornire informazioni di servizio sempre aggiornate, riguardanti le iniziative promosse dalle PA e le tematiche di interesse del lavoro pubblico. Scarica il primo numero qui:


From 18:00 today the portal services are disabled due to system update.

Starting from 18:00 and until 24:00 on Thursday 24 February, the services of the portal and the NoiPA app will be temporarily disabled to allow the execution of updating activities of the authentication system.


"Payment Consultation" service available again

The "Payment Consultation" service is again available in the Private Area of the NoiPA portal, which allows to check the net amount relating to the last payment.


Substitutes and firefighter volunteers: 24th December 2021 is the due date

Friday 24th December 2021 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of 13th December 2021 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned the contracts that, as of 13th December 2021, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the State's General Accounting Office system had verified the availability of funds in the relevant expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as required by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


NoiPA helpline available since December 6th

Starting from December 6th it is possible to request assistance using the helpline number +39 06-41722722. The service is available from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00.


Substitutes and firefighter volunteers: 26th November 2021 is the due date

Friday 26th November 2021 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of 18th November 2021 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned the contracts that, as of 18th November 2021, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the State's General Accounting Office system had verified the availability of funds in the relevant expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as required by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


Assegno al Nucleo Familiare 2021, published the new application form

In the section Tools for Administrators, the application form for the ‘Assegno al Nucleo Familiare 2020” is now available. The ‘Assegno al Nucleo Familiare’ remains in force for the entire current year - no later than 31st December 2021 - while waiting for the detailed rules that will make active the "Assegno unico e universale per il sostegno dei figli a carico " introduced by Law no. 46 of 1st April 2021.


CU 2021 request for Asset Publisher

The instructions and the new form for the request of Certificazione Unica 2021 have been published in the section Asset Publisher of the page Stakeholder and Institutional Partners. Requests must be sent via PEC by 16th April 2021.


Emergenza sanitaria COVID-19: le misure previste dal decreto Cura Italia

A seguito dell’emergenza sanitaria COVID-19, il decreto-legge 17 marzo 2020, n. 18, cd. decreto Cura Italia, ha introdotto diverse misure a sostegno dei lavoratori, delle famiglie e delle imprese. Al riguardo sono state fornite alle Amministrazioni istruzioni sulle modalità per la comunicazione al sistema NoiPA dei congedi per la cura dei minori previsti dagli artt. 23 e 25 del d.l. n. 18/2020, dei permessi retribuiti fruiti a fronte delle situazioni individuate dall’art. 33, commi 3 e 6, della l. n. 104/1992, in base anche alle precisazioni dell’INPS con le circolari n. 44 e 45 di marzo 2020 e per le modalità di gestione del trattamento economico relativo al premio per i lavoratori dipendenti che hanno prestato servizio presso la sede di lavoro nel mese di marzo 2020, in base anche alle indicazioni fornite dall'Agenzia delle Entrate con risoluzione 18/E del 9 aprile 2020.


Nuova versione dell’app NoiPA

Disponibile su Google Play e App store un aggiornamento dell'app NoiPA che risolve alcuni bug di sistema relativi all’accesso tramite touch ID e al processo di reset password. Per gli aggiornamenti dal mondo NoiPA, segui anche i nostri canali social ufficiali: Canale Facebook NoiPA e Canale Twitter NoiPA


Contrasto alle fake news

Ancora fakenews diffuse approfittando dell'emergenza #coronavirus. In queste ore circola sul web una falsa comunicazione a nome del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, secondo la quale sarebbe stata disposta la sospensione di tutte le attività lavorative a partire da oggi, lunedì 16 marzo 2020, a causa dell'emergenza Coronavirus. Il MEF smentisce la notizia con un Comunicato pubblicato sul sito ufficiale e invita a segnalare eventuali abusi sul sito della Polizia Postale.


Substitutes and firefighter volunteers: 27th October 2021 is the due date

Thursday 27th October 2021 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of 15th October 2021 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned the contracts that, as of 15th October 2021, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the State's General Accounting Office system had verified the availability of funds in the relevant expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as required by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


Substitutes and firefighter volunteers: 28th September 2021 is the due date

Thursday 28th September 2021 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of 17th September 2021 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned the contracts that, as of 17th September 2021, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the State's General Accounting Office system had verified the availability of funds in the relevant expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as required by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


Substitutes and firefighter volunteers: 26th August 2021 is the due date

Thursday 26th August 2021 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of 18th August 2021 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned the contracts that, as of 18th August 2021, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the State's General Accounting Office system had verified the availability of funds in the relevant expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as required by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


Substitutes and firefighter volunteers: 28th July 2021 is the due date

Wednesday 28th July 2021 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of 16th July 2021 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned the contracts that, as of 16th July 2021, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the State's General Accounting Office system had verified the availability of funds in the relevant expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as required by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


Substitutes and firefighter volunteers: 29th June 2021 is the due date

Tuesday 29th June 2021 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of 18th June 2021 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned the contracts that, as of 18th June 2021, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the system of the State's General Accounting Office had verified the availability of funds in the relevant expenditure chapters. Please note that the credit institutions, as required by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


Substitutes staff and firefighter volunteers: 27th May 2021 is the due date

Thursday 27th May 2021 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of 18th May 2021 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned the contracts that, as of 18th May 2021, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which the system of the State's General Accounting Office had verified the availability of funds in the relevant expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as required by SEPA regulations, may credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


Today the portal services will be disabled from 6 p.m. due to a system upgrade

From 6:00 p.m. on Friday 7th May, the services of the portal and the NoiPA APP will be temporarily disabled to allow the updating of the authentication system. The services will be available again by 8:00 a.m. on Monday 10th May.


Armed Forces and State Police: in June 2021 the application of IRPEF reduction

In the pay slip of June 2021 will be applied the reduction of IRPEF and additional municipal and regional provided by the D.P.C.M 23rd December 2020, the staff of the Armed Forces, including the Body of the Harbour offices, and Police in constancy of service in 2020, which has received in 2019 a total employment income not exceeding 28,000 euros. The D.P.C.M., published in the “Gazzetta Ufficiale” on 19th February 2021, provides that in the period between 1st January 2020 and 31st December 2020, the gross tax determined on the additional charges payable, including allowances of a fixed and continuous nature paid to personnel of the security and defence sector, is reduced for each beneficiary of the maximum amount of 582.50 euros. The application of the reduction will determine, for the personnel concerned, the recalculation of the single Certification forms, which will therefore be reissued to replace the previous ones.


Substitutes staff and firefighter volunteers: 27th April 2021 is the due date

Tuesday 27th April 2021 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of 16th April 2021 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned the contracts that, as of 16th April 2021, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which the State's General Accounting Office system had verified the availability of funds in the relevant expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as required by SEPA regulations, may credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


Substitutes staff and firefighter volunteers: 29th March 2021 is the due date

Monday 29th March 2021 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of 18th March 2021 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned the contracts that, as of 18th March 2021, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the system of the State's General Accounting Office had verified the availability of funds in the relevant expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as provided for by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


School substitute staff: February 18th is the due date

The deadline for crediting payments relating to the special issue of January 25th has been brought forward to February 18th. In the Personal Area of the portal NoiPA, the self-service "Fixed-term school contracts” is available, where each administrator can check the processing status of their contracts at any time. It should be noted that banks, as required by SEPA regulations, may credit individual current accounts from 00:00 until 24:00 on the value date. Today, February 17th, a further issue is scheduled; all contracts authorised by the school secretariats by 6.00 p.m. on February 13th, for which the State General Accounting Office system has verified the availability of funds in the relevant expenditure chapters, will be processed.


Substitute staff and firefighter volunteers: December 23rd 2020 is the due date

Wednesday December 23rd 2020 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of December 14th 2020 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned the contracts that, as of December 14th 2020, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the system of the General State Accounts Office had verified the availability of funds in the relative expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as provided for by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


Update of the portal authentication system and the NoiPA App

From 6 p.m. today, Friday December 4th, until 8 a.m. tomorrow, Saturday December 5th, the NoiPA portal and App will be temporarily unavailable due to scheduled activities to update the authentication system.


Substitute staff and firefighter volunteers: November 25th 2020 is the due date

Wednesday November 25th 2020 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of November 18th 2020 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned contracts which, as of November 18th 2020, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the State General Accounting Office system had verified the availability of funds in the relative expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as required by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 on the same day.


Update of the NoiPA App

A new version of the App NoiPA for iOS and Android operating systems is now available on the App Store, Google Play and AppGallery (for Huawei devices). The update to the new version is necessary for the correct functioning of the App, as it incorporates the recent update of the authentication system of the NoiPA portal.


Substitute staff and firefighter volunteers: October 26th 2020 is the due date

Monday October 26th 2020 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of October 16th 2020 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned contracts which, as of October 16th 2020, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the system of the General State Accounts Office had verified the availability of funds in the relative expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as provided for by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


Substitute staff and firefighter volunteers: September 28th 2020 is the due date

Monday September 28th 2020 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of September 18th 2020 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned contracts which, as of September 18th 2020, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the system of the General State Accounts Office had verified the availability of funds in the relative expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as provided for by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


Substitutes staff and firefighter volunteers: August 15th 2020 is the due date

Tuesday August 25th 2020 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of August 18th 2020 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned contracts which, as of August 18th 2020, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the system of the General State Accounts Office had verified the availability of funds in the relative expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as provided for by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 of the same day.


Substitutes staff and firefighter volunteers: July 29th 2020 is the due date

Wednesday July 29th 2020 is the due date for the crediting of payments relating to the special issue of July 18th 2020 for short-term and occasional substitute staff and firefighter volunteers. The issue concerned contracts which, as of July 18th 2020, had been authorised by the school secretariats and for which, at the same time, the system of the General State Accounts Office had verified the availability of funds in the relative expenditure chapters. Please note that credit institutions, as required by SEPA regulations, can credit individual current accounts from 00.00 until 24.00 on the same day.


Update of the NoiPA App

A new version of the App NoiPA for iOS and Android operating systems is now available on the App Store, Google Play and AppGallery (for Huawei devices). The new version of the App contains a number of system updates, which will make it possible to use new services that are currently being implemented.


Taglio del cuneo fiscale

Sono in corso di applicazione le misure di sostegno economico previste dal D.L. 5 febbraio 2020, n. 3 convertito con Legge del 2 aprile 2020, n. 21. In particolare è riconosciuta una somma a titolo di trattamento integrativo pari a 600 euro nel 2020 e di 1.200 a decorrere dal 2021, per i redditi che non superano i 28.000 euro annui e, fino al 31 dicembre 2020, un’ulteriore detrazione fiscale per redditi di lavoro dipendente e assimilati, di importo decrescente, a beneficio di titolari di redditi complessivi fino a 40.000 euro annui. Il trattamento integrativo sarà applicato dalla mensilità di luglio 2020. L’ulteriore detrazione, ferma restando la decorrenza 1° luglio, sarà applicata sulla mensilità di agosto.


Supplenti e volontari VV.F.: 27 maggio 2020 data di esigibilità

Mercoledì 27 maggio 2020 è la data di esigibilità per l'accreditamento dei pagamenti relativi all'emissione speciale del 18 maggio 2020 per il personale supplente breve e saltuario e i volontari VV.F.. L'emissione ha interessato i contratti che alla data del 18 maggio 2020 siano stati autorizzati dalle segreterie scolastiche e per i quali, contestualmente, il sistema della Ragioneria generale dello Stato abbia verificato la disponibilità di fondi sui relativi capitoli di spesa. Si ricorda che gli istituti di credito, come previsto dalla normativa SEPA, possono effettuare gli accreditamenti sui singoli conti correnti dalle 00.00 fino alle 24.00 del medesimo giorno.


Dalle 18 di martedì 16 giugno il portale NoiPA sarà temporaneamente indisponibile

Martedì 16 giugno a partire dalle 18 e fino al termine delle attività i servizi del portale saranno temporaneamente disabilitati per consentire l'esecuzione di attività di manutenzione straordinaria.


Supplenti e volontari VV.F.: 28 aprile 2020 data di esigibilità

Martedì 28 aprile 2020 è la data di esigibilità per l'accreditamento dei pagamenti relativi all'emissione speciale del 17 aprile 2020 per il personale supplente breve e saltuario e i volontari VV.F.. L'emissione ha interessato i contratti che alla data del 17 aprile 2020 siano stati autorizzati dalle segreterie scolastiche e per i quali, contestualmente, il sistema della Ragioneria generale dello Stato abbia verificato la disponibilità di fondi sui relativi capitoli di spesa. Si ricorda che gli istituti di credito, come previsto dalla normativa SEPA, possono effettuare gli accreditamenti sui singoli conti correnti dalle 00.00 fino alle 24.00 del medesimo giorno.


NoiPA app now available on HUAWEI APPGALLERY!

From today the official NoiPA Application is also available on the Huawei App Gallery. The NOIPA App allows you to take advantage of services provided by the NoiPA System: consultation of the salary and the payslip, download the Unique Certification and stay updated on the system new features thanks to the News section.


Supplenti e volontari VV.F.: 27 gennaio 2020 data di esigibilità

Lunedì 27 gennaio 2020 è la data di esigibilità per l'accreditamento dei pagamenti relativi all'emissione speciale del 17 gennaio 2020 per il personale supplente breve e saltuario e i volontari VV.F.. L'emissione ha interessato i contratti che alla data del 17 gennaio 2020 siano stati autorizzati dalle segreterie scolastiche e per i quali, contestualmente, il sistema della Ragioneria generale dello Stato abbia verificato la disponibilità di fondi sui relativi capitoli di spesa. Si ricorda che gli istituti di credito, come previsto dalla normativa SEPA, possono effettuare gli accreditamenti sui singoli conti correnti dalle 00.00 fino alle 24.00 del medesimo giorno.


The 2015 Payslips are available via Desktop and App

The consultation of the accounting documents is enriched with the possibility to check out and download the 2015 Payslips via desktop and App. A new step in the process that will lead to the availability of the entire accounting documentation of the NoiPA system, making each user completely autonomous in the retrieval of information of interest.


Supplenti e volontari VV.F.: 27 marzo 2020 data di esigibilità

Venerdì 27 marzo 2020 è la data di esigibilità per l'accreditamento dei pagamenti relativi all'emissione speciale del 18 marzo 2020 per il personale supplente breve e saltuario e i volontari VV.F.. L'emissione ha interessato i contratti che alla data del 18 marzo 2020 siano stati autorizzati dalle segreterie scolastiche e per i quali, contestualmente, il sistema della Ragioneria generale dello Stato abbia verificato la disponibilità di fondi sui relativi capitoli di spesa. Si ricorda che gli istituti di credito, come previsto dalla normativa SEPA, possono effettuare gli accreditamenti sui singoli conti correnti dalle 00.00 fino alle 24.00 del medesimo giorno.


Stipendi regolari per gli amministrati NoiPA

Si è diffusa sui social network la falsa informazione, corredata da loghi istituzionali, secondo la quale sarebbe stata disposta la sospensione dell'erogazione degli stipendi di marzo e aprile a causa dell'emergenza Coronavirus. NoiPA ribadisce che tale informazione è falsa e rassicura gli amministrati che gli stipendi sono regolarmente emessi. Si precisa inoltre che gli autori della falsa comunicazione saranno perseguiti in tutte le sedi competenti per la diffusione di notizie false, atto ancora più grave in un momento così delicato per il nostro paese.


Nuove modalità per l’assistenza telefonica NoiPA

A partire dal 1° marzo 2020 il servizio di assistenza telefonica (Numero verde) sarà sostituito dal servizio on-line che consente di inviare le richieste di assistenza tramite la webform presente nella sezione “Supporto” dell’area pubblica del portale NoiPA e nella sezione “Assistenza” dell’area privata. Prima di inviare una richiesta di assistenza ti invitiamo a consultare le domande frequenti (FAQ) presenti nelle medesime sezioni e che rispondono a molti dei quesiti più comuni.


Supplenti e volontari VV.F.: 26 febbraio 2020 data di esigibilità

Mercoledì 26 febbraio 2020 è la data di esigibilità per l'accreditamento dei pagamenti relativi all'emissione speciale del 18 febbraio 2020 per il personale supplente breve e saltuario e i volontari VV.F.. L'emissione ha interessato i contratti che alla data del 18 febbraio 2020 siano stati autorizzati dalle segreterie scolastiche e per i quali, contestualmente, il sistema della Ragioneria generale dello Stato abbia verificato la disponibilità di fondi sui relativi capitoli di spesa. Si ricorda che gli istituti di credito, come previsto dalla normativa SEPA, possono effettuare gli accreditamenti sui singoli conti correnti dalle 00.00 fino alle 24.00 del medesimo giorno.


Supplenti e volontari VV.F.: 23 dicembre 2019 data di esigibilità

Lunedì 23 dicembre 2019 è la data di esigibilità per l'accreditamento dei pagamenti relativi all'emissione speciale del 12 dicembre per il personale supplente breve e saltuario e i volontari VV.F.. L'emissione ha interessato i contratti che alla data del 12 dicembre siano stati autorizzati dalle segreterie scolastiche e per i quali, contestualmente, il sistema della Ragioneria generale dello Stato abbia verificato la disponibilità di fondi sui relativi capitoli di spesa. Si ricorda che gli istituti di credito, come previsto dalla normativa SEPA, possono effettuare gli accreditamenti sui singoli conti correnti dalle 00.00 fino alle 24.00 del medesimo giorno.


Temporanea indisponibilità del self service “Gestione modalità di riscossione”

Il servizio “Gestione modalità di riscossione” del portale NoiPA è temporaneamente non disponibile per un aggiornamento del sistema. Il servizio sarà ripristinato nel più breve tempo possibile. Nel frattempo, nel caso sia necessario modificare urgentemente la modalità di riscossione, è possibile rivolgersi al proprio Ufficio Responsabile del Trattamento Economico. Ci scusiamo per il disagio


Supplenti e volontari VV.F.: 28 ottobre 2019 data di esigibilità

Lunedì 28 ottobre 2019 è la data di esigibilità per l'accreditamento dei pagamenti relativi all'emissione speciale del 18 ottobre per il personale supplente breve e saltuario e i volontari VV.F.. L'emissione ha interessato i contratti che alla data del 18 ottobre siano stati autorizzati dalle segreterie scolastiche e per i quali, contestualmente, il sistema della Ragioneria generale dello Stato abbia verificato la disponibilità di fondi sui relativi capitoli di spesa. Si ricorda che gli istituti di credito, come previsto dalla normativa SEPA, possono effettuare gli accreditamenti sui singoli conti correnti dalle 00.00 fino alle 24.00 del medesimo giorno.


Supplenti e volontari VV.F. : 26 giugno 2020 data di esigibilità

Venerdì 26 giugno 2020 è la data di esigibilità per l'accreditamento dei pagamenti relativi all'emissione speciale del 18 giugno 2020 per il personale supplente breve e saltuario e i volontari VV.F.. L'emissione ha interessato i contratti che alla data del 18 giugno 2020 siano stati autorizzati dalle segreterie scolastiche e per i quali, contestualmente, il sistema della Ragioneria generale dello Stato abbia verificato la disponibilità di fondi sui relativi capitoli di spesa. Si ricorda che gli istituti di credito, come previsto dalla normativa SEPA, possono effettuare gli accreditamenti sui singoli conti correnti dalle 00.00 fino alle 24.00 del medesimo giorno.


Supplenti e volontari VV.F.: 26 settembre 2019 data di esigibilità

Giovedì 26 settembre 2019 è la data di esigibilità per l'accreditamento dei pagamenti relativi all'emissione speciale del 18 settembre per il personale supplente breve e saltuario e i volontari VV.F. L'emissione ha interessato i contratti che alla data del 18 settembre siano stati autorizzati dalle segreterie scolastiche e per i quali, contestualmente, il sistema della Ragioneria generale dello Stato abbia verificato la disponibilità di fondi sui relativi capitoli di spesa. Si ricorda che gli istituti di credito, come previsto dalla normativa SEPA, possono effettuare gli accreditamenti sui singoli conti correnti dalle 00.00 fino alle 24.00 del medesimo giorno.


Aggiornamento dell'App NoiPA

Da oggi è disponibile su Google Play la nuova versione dell’app NoiPA per sistemi operativi Android.
