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		Episode #4: Viale del tramonto

Episode #4: Viale del tramonto

The system, created to manage a small number of administrations, has had to expand over the years, incorporating more and more institutions with different characteristics, requiring constant technological updating. How to design the new system making it reliable but also more efficient?

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		Ogni Santo 23 - Watch the Prequel

Ogni Santo 23 - Watch the Prequel

Watch the prequel of Ogni Santo 23 and start to discover the story, the objectives and the faces of our Docu-series while waiting for the first episode coming at 3pm on all NoiPA channels. The video is available with English subtitles.

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		Ogni Santo 23 - the interview with the Director Giovanni Piperno

Ogni Santo 23 - the interview with the Director Giovanni Piperno

Who is behind the services offered by the PA? How does the work of the employees involved in managing the NoiPA platform and designing its continuous technological and organisational evolution take place? The video is available with English subtitles.

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		Ogni Santo 23, from September 16 online the first docu-series of NoiPA

Ogni Santo 23, from September 16 online the first docu-series of NoiPA

9 episodes on the digital transformation of the public administration told from the point of view of the employees of DSII, directorate of the Ministry of Economy and Finance

Dear colleagues,

Today the new NoiPA portal is online. This is the result, not the first but certainly the most evident one, of the CloudifyNoiPA project, which we have been working on for about two years with great commitment, together with our in-house company SOGEI, to which the implementation part is entrusted.

A new service available shortly for administrators: "Contributions Summary"

Activities have been launched to make available a new service that will allows to consult the resulting contribution position and to report any discrepancies with the INPS statement.

The new private area of NoiPA

New services and new features for NoiPA administrators

What's new

The launch of the new portal marks the beginning of a new phase in the NoiPA system.