Performance review

The Performance review is the service supporting individual performance review available on NoiPA for all Public Administrations, provided in Software as a Service (SaaS) logic and accessible directly from the NoiPA portal.

Descrizione valutazione delle performance

The Performance Review is a tool to support the management of individual performance review processes, developed in accordance with the Guidelines for the Measurement and Appraisal of Individual Performance, issued by the Civil Service (LG n. 5 - December 2019).

The participation of numerous central and local Administrations since the initial design and testing phase has allowed the creation of a service characterised by a high degree of configurability and customisation, which makes it possible to meet the specific characteristics of the assessment processes implemented by individual Administrations.

The Performance Review is open to everyone, both to Administrations that already use NoiPA services and to those that wish to use the Module exclusively.

Interested administrations may request further information and express their interest in joining the module by sending a communication to the e-mail address

In order to start the adhesion process, it is necessary to fill in the adhesion form and the introductory questionnaire, which can be found in the section Adhesion Guide, and send them to the PEC address

If you want to learn more about the Performance Review, watch the video tutorials.


Customization of roles

Configuration of roles in the system and definition of custom hierarchical structures

Flexibility and Interoperability

Flexible platform capable of ensuring interoperability with technologically and functionally heterogeneous systems

Customization of processes and phases

Through the possibility of configuring configuring every single step of the process, each administration will be allowed to manage the evaluation processes according to its needs.

Adhesion Guide

Guida all’adesione MVP

MVP Adhesion form

MVP introductory questionnaire

Performance review presentation

Manuals and Training Material

Guida alla fruizione del materiale formativo

Introductory Guide to the Predisposition of Location and Structure layout

Introductory Guide to the Predisposition of the Administrative Registry layout

Training pills

MVP Manual - System Management

MVP Manual – User

D.lgs. n. 286/1999

D.lgs. n. 150/2009

D.lgs. n. 74/2017

Performance Plan Guidelines

Guidelines on participatory evaluation in public administrations, No. 4, Nov 2019

Guidelines for measuring and evaluating individual performance, No.5, Dec 2019

Programma Operativo Nazionale Governance e Capacità Istituzionale

Realizzato con il finanziamento del Programma Operativo Complementare al PON Governance e Capacità Istituzionale 2014-2020