NoiPA World

The following section shows the news of the NoiPA World section

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Starting from August, NoiPA will provide the increases foreseen by the labor decree

The payment methods for public employees, managed through the NoiPA system, have been defined throughout the pay increases resulting from “Dl Lavoro” for the period July - December 2023.

Application of the new classification system and the new remuneration structure

From November 2022, NoiPA will apply the new classification system and the new remuneration structure

Opens the "Collection method management" service

The new version of the "Collection method management" service is available in the personal area of the NoiPA portal.

Workshop: Disruptive Technologies in the Public Administration Sector

On November 25th, from 9.00 AM to 1 PM, the event "Disruptive Technologies in the Public Administration Sector: Legal challenges" will be held as part of the ETAPAS (Ethical Technology Adoption in Public Administration Services) project. Registration is open until November 22nd.

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