
We are looking for technological and innovative solutions in HR, Administration and Data Management. By applying you will have the opportunity to get in touch with a system that manages more than 2,000,000 employees of the 90 Public Administrations that use NoiPA.

Descrizione Open NoiPA Call 4 Innovation

The Directorate for Information Systems and Innovation – part of Department of General Administration, Personnel, and Services – of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) promotes “NoiPA Call4Innovation” to collect new technological solutions powered by innovative startups and innovative SMEs. The aim is to improve the existing services for the management of the Public Administration personnel.


The proposed technological solutions should aim at:

  • innovate the services of the NoiPA catalogue and the underlying processes;
  • propose tools and services that enhance the information heritage of NoiPA.

Verticals of interest

Performance Management


Employee Satisfaction

Internal Comunication


Back Office HR


Data Analysis

Big Data

Data Protection

Timing and selection phases

The initiative will run from May 15th 2020 to September 20th  2020.
The selection is divided into the following phases:

  • Applications open from May 15th to June  21st 2020 - Closed
  • 1st sprint June  25th - July 8th 2020: functional to the optimization of the solution to be presented to meet the needs of the MEF. - Closed
  • 2nd sprint July 15th 2020 - September 10th 2020: functional to the realization of a Proof of Concept (PoC), intended as a working demo, although without integration with the MEF information systems. - Closed
  •  Demo Day October 9th starting at 10.30 a.m. (video call): presentation of the 10 selected startups and identification of the Call4Innovation project with the highest innovative approach.

Applications received

On June 21st, the application phase of the Call, which saw the participation of 70 between Start Up and SMEs, was concluded. Applicants considered eligible will now be involved in a first project sprint that will aim to focus the proposed solutions on the requirements of the NoiPA System. This phase will be characterized by direct collaboration between the candidates and the DSII teams. This first sprint will end on July 8th  2020.
To know the Innovative Start-Up and SMEs who have applied click here.

Selected projects

The first sprint meetings ended on July 8th. During the sprint, the documentation submitted by the companies was analysed and, for those that showed greater potential than the requirements of the call, joint sessions were held to explore the proposed solution. After this first sprint, 10 innovative SMEs and startups, thanks to their Proof of Concept (POC), have been selected to take part in the second and final sprint. For additional details regarding the project ideas of the Startups and SMEs please download the attachment.

The winner

The PoC Day, last step of Call4Innovation, ended with the proclamation of the winner: ASK DATA, the innovative SME, thanks to its proposal of Customer Care services based on artificial intelligence.

The winning project was identified thanks to the evaluation of the DSII work team, which gave a score to all the selected proposals, based on 5 parameters:

  • innovativeness of the proposed solution and technology used
  • quality of the PoC (Proof of Concept) produced
  • relevance of PoC to the needs and objectives of NoiPA
  • ease of integration into NoiPA
  • potential of PoC compared to possible MEF requirements.

The solution proposed by ASK DATA included a search engine based on artificial intelligence to support the customer care management of NoiPA. The technology allows, similarly to a Google search engine, to write queries in natural language, translate them into technical queries, and receive immediate and easy to understand answers from any source and database (structured and unstructured).

About Us

NoiPA is one of the most important shared service center in the HR field in the world. Currently, its services cover over 2.000.000 employees and 90 Public Administrations. The trend in fact is constantly growing, suffice it to say that, over the last six years, the pool of employees managed has expanded from 1,560,000 in 2014 to about 2,100,000 in 2020, with an overall growth rate of almost 35% in the target period, and a total of about 90 managed administrations belonging to more than 20 sectors (e.g. Central Administrations, Armed Forces, Health Authorities, Regions and Municipalities).

For further information about NoiPA platform:
For further information about NoiPA services catalogue:
For further information about Open Data NoiPA:

CTA Per maggiori informazioni consulta il Regolamento

The promoters

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