Updating of the portal authentication system and NoiPA App

From 7 pm on Friday October 23rd the portal and NoiPA App will be temporarily unavailable for scheduled activities of the authentication system.

Attenzione alle false email NoiPA

Attenzione alle email apparentemente provenienti da NoiPA, che richiedono di cliccare su link contenuti nella email o di comunicare dati personali.

Three-year Plan 2020-2022: towards a digital PA

AgID designs a plan that aims at the full digitization of PA, promote sustainable development and contribute to the diffusion of new technologies.

New services for the communication of absences, strikes and the reporting of wages due to the Justices of the Peace

The applications SciopNet, AssenzeNet and GiudiciNet, will be definitively discontinued from October 1st.

The Decree law “Urgent measures for digital simplification and innovation” has been published

The package of measures to expand digitization in the Public Administration and make life easier for citizens.

Password recovery: the steps to follow

Recover your password will be easier by following the instructions in our video tutorial.

Payments are available from 2001 onwards in the "Payment Consultation" service

The "Payment consultation" service available in the private area of the portal and in the NoiPA app makes payments available from 2001.

Certificazione Unica e modalità di applicazione delle addizionali comunali e regionali

Le modalità di applicazione delle addizionali IRPEF e la loro rappresentazione nella Certificazione Unica spiegate nel dettaglio