Credenziali di accesso NoiPA: raccomandazioni per l’uso

Le credenziali di accesso al sistema NoiPA devono essere protette con la massima cura. Leggi le raccomandazioni per una corretta gestione della password e per difenderti dai tentativi di phishing.

Notizie di phishing a danno di utenti NoiPA

Chiarimenti su notizie relative ad attività di phishing su alcune utenze NoiPA

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		Episode #9: Ce la faranno i nostri eroi

Episode #9: Ce la faranno i nostri eroi

Cloudify's coordination team is mapping the 500 processes in progress to verify if they are proceeding as planned. Keeping the balance between design services, timing, and relationships with the administrations involved is a challenge. Will our heroes make it? The video is available with English subtitles.

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		Episode #8: C’era una volta a Latina

Episode #8: C’era una volta a Latina

The Data Processing Centre of Latina, once the heart of PA payroll processing, now supports user assistance and the monitoring of systems managed by DSII. Does the digital transformation involve organisational change and does the evolution of work have to be constantly supported? The video is available with English subtitles.

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		Episode #7: V per Visibilità

Episode #7: V per Visibilità

The management of users' confidential information foreshadows the problem of the meaning of the type of data that must be available for consultation by operators and which others must be protected for privacy reasons. How can the design of new services combine maximum data confidentiality with the need to process such information? The video is available with English subtitles.

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		Episode #6: The Social Network

Episode #6: The Social Network

Move away from the image of a system that only manages salary payments to get closer to the users’ reality through the assistance channels and the use of social media. How important is the role of communication to reach users? The video is available with English subtitles.

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		Episode #5: Per vincere domani

Episode #5: Per vincere domani

Behind the apparent technicality, we realize how within the daily work we get to know aspects of the public service not everyone knows. How important is the human factor when working for a common purpose? The video is available with English subtitles.

Cloudify NoiPA Seminar Days: the progress and prospects of the digital transfromation program

The Directorate of Information Systems and Innovation (DSII) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance presented the progress of the Cloudify NoiPA digital transformation program.