Structural Reform Support Programme - SRSP

NoiPA is part of the European Commission program for the improvement of general quality of Public Administration in Italy.

Descrizione Structural Reform Support Programme - SRSP

Structural Reform Support Program - SRSP is the program that aims to support the sustainable growth of European Union (EU) through the design and implementation of structural reforms of governance.


PRO-DSII è stato avviato nel novembre 2019 e ha sfruttato una metodologia di co-creazione per coinvolgere l’intero personale della Direzione Sistemi Informativi e Innovazione (DSII) in varie attività. Il progetto ha promosso un miglioramento costante del modello organizzativo, supportando così la definizione di un paradigma capace di individuare bisogni, necessità e potenzialità di efficientamento dei servizi.

Obiettivi raggiunti

A inizio 2023, il nuovo modello organizzativo formulato dal progetto PRO DSII è entrato definitivamente a regime.

Citazione Structural Reform Support Programme - SRSP

The SRSP program "in Italy is helping authorities in the management of technical assistance mechanisms. The project involves the assessment of the needs and capabilities of the current system and the designing a more efficient digital system.

Membership to the program was created to support Italian development in terms of cohesion, productivity and job creation and investment. For NoiPA, achieving these objectives means working to constantly improve the organizational model and redefine resources investment in a more functional way. The SRSP program will therefore support the growth of public system in Italy by enhancing its management and forecasting capabilities, supporting the definition of a model capable of identifying needs and potential to increase efficiency and improvement of services.

Sustainable growth

To combine the development of services with socio-economic sustainability of the institutions. From the Italian system side: To improve the organizational model and offer new development vectors to the Italian PA.

On the Italian system side

To improve the organizational model and offer new development vectors to the Italian PA.

More efficiency, more services

To improve the use of resources and direct them towards the most useful services to Italian citizens.