
The Directorate of Information Systems and Innovation (DSII) of the MEF, led an international consortium for the presentation and implementation of the "SUNFISH" project (SecUre iNFormatIon SHaring in the federated heterogeneous private clouds), with the aim of developing a direct solution to the secure sharing of confidential information between private clouds and the safe use of public clouds.

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Descrizione Sunfish

Citazione Sunfish

With SUNFISH, the MEF is recognized for all purposes as a model of innovation at European level, demonstrating how even the public administration can be a key player for the introduction and diffusion of new technologies within the company.

The project, started in 2015 and successfully completed in 2017, has not only fully "achieved the targets set by the target", but has also tested the platform through three pilot cases modeled on the real needs of some European public administrations. These practical applications have concretely shown the ability of the proposed solution to solve public sector problems in areas such as the secure sharing of confidential information between private clouds and the safe use of public clouds, providing a real example of the new tool's functionalities to future users.
With SUNFISH, the MEF demonstrates how public administration can also be an engine of innovation and at the same time a key player for the introduction and diffusion of new technologies within the society.


The project enabling technologies include Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Smart contracts and Cyber Security, which can secure the management of large amounts of sensitive data.


The platform was developed over three years of research and development, during which three application scenarios of the new solution were implemented in the sharing of confidential information.


The SUNFISH Project was funded, through the European Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020, with €4,5 million.

Involved subject

The project involved 11 organizations from six different countries (United Kingdom, Israel, Estonia, Malta and Austria as well as Italy) with the support of academic and institutional actors.