CreditoNet 2.0

The CreditoNet 2.0 project was created to improve and secure information on payrolls withholding and loans stipulated by PA employees.

Capitalizing on the experience and skills already gained with the financial and insurance world by the DSII, and thanks to the use of Blockchain technology, the CreditoNet 2.0 project was born, which innovates the services offered related on payrolls withholding and loans stipulated by PA employees.

For CreditoNet 2.0 has been chosen the use of SIAChain, the Blockchain network involving the largest Italian banks. The use of this technology simplifies the system of collaboration between MEF, employees and the financial world.

The Blockchain technology enables simultaneously a vertical increase in the security of the data processed and the opening of collaborations between public administrations and private entities in order to face and solve problems together and implement innovative solutions.


To implement CreditoNet 2.0, was chosen the use of SIAChain, the Blockchain network involving the largest Italian banks. The use of this technology simplifies the system of dialogue between MEF , employees and the financial world, offering several advantages in terms of security of information processing and the efficiency and speed of reconciliation activities, to enable an innovative approach to process review.


Through DLT technology it will be possible to "Tokenize" the individual financing practices so as to have in a "digital and transferable object" the complete history of the interactions, regardless of the actors who have managed it over time.