angle-left SPID for free forever

SPID for free forever

AgID announces the agreement with the Identity Providers for the extension of free fee of level 1 and 2 of SPID, for all citizens.

AgID's strategy to promote the diffusion and use of SPID (Public Digital Identity System) for access to Public Administration services, marks an important new result.

The Agency for Digital Italy has invited the nine Digital Identity providers (eight private and one public) to provide for free, forever, the activation of SPID for all citizens, extending the validity of the signed agreements, whose term was originally set at December 31, 2019.

The extension of the free fee concerns levels 1 and 2 of SPID:

  • Level 1: allows access to online services through a name and password chosen by the user;
  • Level 2: requires a higher degree of security that allows, in addition to user access by name and password, the generation of a temporary access code (one time password) or the use of an app, usable through a device (such as a smartphone).

Free SPID is an important incentive for Public Administrations to adopt SPID as a system for accessing their online services.

NoiPA Users can obtain SPID credentials using the service Get SPID available in the private area of the NoiPA portal, with a simple and fast procedure.

NoiPA, in fact, guarantees the identity of the user at the Identity Providers avoiding the recognition of the applicant's de visu, thus offering the possibility to manage the entire process of online registration.

To use the "Get SPID" service, simply access the private area of the NoiPA portal, and choose the Identity Provider among those who have joined the initiative. Once the choice has been made, the administrator can complete the registration directly on the Identity Provider's website, thus obtaining the Unique Digital Identity.

Watch the video on Get SPID



spid servizi noipa agid