User centricy & Co-operation

The NoiPA platform was designed together with users. Thanks to the adoption of User centricity & co-operation approach, the system was created by collecting the needs of all the involved actors, always guaranteeing centrality and evaluation.

Descrizione user centricity

NoiPA users have participated in all phases of the platform construction, sharing their experiences and contributing effectively to the development of dedicated services. Thanks to the constant dialogue and collaboration between PA and services users, NoiPA offers innovative digital solutions designed to ensure the full users satisfaction.


Thanks to the adoption of user centricity & co-operation methodologies, NoiPa guarantees solutions developed to meet user needs.


Users who have participated in all phases of the platform design and have contributed to the research of functional and efficient solutions for the delivery and use of services.

Designed together

Each actor who took part in the development of NoiPA has made available to the planning his/her knowledge and experience becoming, thus, the PA engine of change and innovation.