angle-left Piano Triennale 2020-2022: verso una PA digitale

Three-year Plan 2020-2022: towards a digital PA

AgID designs a plan that aims at the full digitization of PA, promote sustainable development and contribute to the diffusion of new technologies.

The Three-Year Plan 2020-2022 has been drawn up by a large working group made up of staff from AgID and the Department for Digital Transformation and has seen the contribution of many central administrations, regions and metropolitan cities.

This edition, compared to the previous edition about the introduction of the Strategic Information Technology Model in the PA, focuses on the implementation of the planned actions.

Behind the new Plan there is a three-pronged strategy: to encourage the development of a digital society, where services put citizens and businesses at the centre, through the digitisation of the Public Administration which is the engine of development for the whole country; to promote sustainable, ethical and inclusive development, through innovation and digitisation at the service of people, communities and territories, respecting environmental sustainability; to contribute to the diffusion of new digital technologies in the Italian productive fabric, encouraging standardisation, innovation and experimentation in public services.

The objectives and expected results are based whether on improving the user experience and accessibility of services or on the ability to generate and deliver digital public services, which are the prerequisite for increasing their use by users, be they citizens, businesses or other public administrations. In this process of digital transformation, it is therefore essential that services have a clear value for the user.

This also implies an adequate simplification of PA internal processes, coordinated by the Digital Transition Manager, with the necessary support of efficient digital procedures. The scope of action will be on several levels, aimed at improving the ability of Public Administrations to generate and deliver quality services through:

● a more consistent use of existing Software as a Service solutions;

● the reuse and sharing of software and expertise between different administrations;

● the adoption of validated models and tools available to all;

● the constant monitoring by PA of their online services.

The purpose of these indications is to share the experiences of Public Administrations in order to obtain homogeneous and non-dispersive innovation paths.

The services must be attractive to citizens in order to limit their "desk use" and remote access must be ensured at least through SPID. No mention is made of the Electronic Identity Card - CIE, which must also be used in accordance with EU rules on authentication schemes.
