angle-left News Progetto INTERLINK: il 14 dicembre si terrà il workshop “Democratizing co-production of sustainable public services: what are the legal and technical barriers to co-delivery”

INTERLINK project: on 14 December, the workshop “Democratising the co-production of sustainable public services: what are the legal and technical barriers to co-delivery” will be held.

The initiative will be a useful opportunity to present the results of the European project and to discuss how to co-create new public services that really meet citizens' needs

The INTERLINK (Innovating goverNment and ciTizen co-dEliveRy for the digitaL sINgle marKet) research project, financed by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 programme, was set up with the aim of providing Public Administrations with cooperation tools for the design and implementation of public services according to a collaborative approach that sees the active participation of citizens.

On 14 December, on the occasion of the fifth INTERLINK General Assembly, the workshop "Democratizing co-production of sustainable public services: what are the legal and technical barriers to co-delivery?" will be held, a useful opportunity to reflect on new approaches and methodologies for the delivery of public services and products, based on processes of democratization and co-creation. The discussion will focus on how to promote a large-scale development of co-delivered public services, through enhancement initiatives, benchmarking and quality assessment of the results obtained.

During the meeting, a panel of experts in the field will discuss how to co-create new public services that truly respond to citizens' needs and demands in order to facilitate their interactions with public administrations, exploring how co-creation methodologies and digital tools can be appropriately adopted in response to initiatives, proposals and demands coming 'from below'. The debate will also be open to the public in the room to express their views on important key issues, in particular the barriers that have usually prevented the co-creation of public services.

For further information and insights, please visit the dedicated page.
