angle-left News Il DAG al FORUM PA 2022

The DAG at FORUM PA 2022

FORUM PA: The country that starts again, ended on June 17, a four-day event in which the Department of General Administration, Personnel and Services of the Ministry of Economy and Finance also took part.

The 2022 edition of FORUM PA was held from 14 to 17 June at the Auditorium della Tecnica in Rome. This year the event focused on the state of implementation of investments and reforms of the PNRR and of European programming, putting people and their skills, technologies, new paradigms of digital transformation and shared governance at the center of the comparison.

Among the participants in the initiative, the DAG had the opportunity to present in a dedicated space "#DisseminaInnovazione – Il DAG ispira con il cambiamento ", a campaign that aims to expose to the public the change undertaken by the Department in recent years along the lines of innovation and the digitalization of services designed and provided to citizens, the evolution of people's development systems and the strengthening of policies aimed at wider sustainability.

Furthermore, during the event, the DAG organized a talk entitled " Le sfide della PA tra impatti etici e sociali della digitalizzazione", a one-hour discussion during which the speakers analyzed the potential, risks and perspectives of innovative technologies in the design and delivery of public services.

The talk, moderated by Roberta Lotti, Head of the European Projects and Innovation Management Office, of the Information Systems and Innovation Department of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, saw the participation of four speakers:

  • Claudia Colaiacomo, Head of Digital Transition of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and General Manager of the Consultancy, Studies and Research Office of the Department of General Administration, Personnel and Services of the Ministry of Economy and Finance;
  • Paolo Benanti, Professor of Ethics of Technology, AI Ethics and Bioethics of the Pontifical Gregorian University;
  • Flavia Marzano, Member of the OGP Italia Task Force of the Department of Public Administration and President of the Scientific Technical Committee of the Ampioraggio Foundation;
  • Fabrizio Rauso, Director People, Organization and Digital eXperience at Sogei.

After the institutional greetings, Claudia Colaiacomo underlined how much it is necessary to invest in digital skills and data and how appropriate it is to build concrete solutions that avoid the possible risks of innovative technologies. To avoid these critical issues, Fabrizio Rauso affirmed that it is necessary to adapt technologies to the needs of citizens and design services in a fair and ethical manner with the aim of simplifying people's lives; In this, the administrations have understood that improving the lives of citizens means improving the Public Administration itself. A reasoning shared also by Flavia Marzano, according to which technologies and innovations must be a tool for simplification and inclusion, which is also able to take into account the needs of that segment of the population that most perceives the digital divide. About ethics, Paolo Benanti specified that it should not be seen as a business limitation or constraint, but as a basis on which to build a new vision, because making ethical choices today also means leaving room for future generations. A project like that of ETAPAS brings together the main actors with a vision of the rule of law, creating a place where ethics is combined with technology. As Roberta Lotti also stated, innovation must be responsible for the common good and must not represent a constraint but an enabling push.

The talk represented a useful and stimulating moment of discussion that was able to put together different points of view and ended with the choice of the four key words that emerged from the interventions of the speakers: Claudia Colaicomo concluded by talking about "sharing", Flavia Marzano of “inclusion”, Fabrizio Rauso of “awareness” and finally Paolo Benanti of “ethics”.

To learn more about the topic of the talk, we report the link with the event proceedings: Spazio MEF. Le sfide della PA tra impatti etici e sociali della digitalizzazione - FPA (
