angle-left MEF and Open Data: NoiPA joins to the Project

MEF and Open Data: NoiPA joins to the Project

The updating of the Open Data section of NoiPA, and the related participation in, meet the objective of enhancing the information capital managed by the MEF system.

The Ministry of Economy and Finance for the first time on, with the datasets coming from the Open Data of NoiPA. The portal, managed by AgID, is the national catalogue of data released in open format by Public Administrations and was created to offer citizens and researchers a single place where they can find and consult updated datasets that can be used to produce analyses and forecasts on the activities of the Italian Public Administration, as well as respond more precisely to the transparency principles.

The participation of NoiPA in the project managed by AgID, with the objective of enhancing the information assets managed by the system, is the result of the work carried out by NoiPA on its Open Data section. After redesigning the section dedicated to Open Data at the end of 2019, NoiPA periodically releases new datasets in Linked Open Data (LOD) format, to date the most advanced technological standard for the processing of online databases, which makes it possible to produce accurate analyses of the information assets and to compare and enrich the databases offered by other PAs and subjects.

Today, the Open Data portal of NoiPA has been enriched with a new dataset relating to withholding tax for trade union membership, which can be consulted in the Economic Treatment section. The dataset makes it possible to monitor the withholding tax applied to the administration for membership of trade unions according to the province of residence of the administration, the administration, sector or area of negotiation, age group and gender.
