angle-left News PROGETTO ETAPAS: il 5 maggio si è tenuto il workshop online “Toward Trustworthy AI Adoption in the European Public Administrations”

ETAPAS PROJECT: the online workshop "Towards a reliable adoption of artificial intelligence in European public administrations" was held on 5 May.

The workshop aimed to understand how European Public Administrations can reliably adopt the potential of Artificial Intelligence.

The third appointment of ETAPAS (Ethical Technology Adoption in Public Administration Services) was held on May 5th, the European project that aims to increase the awareness of Public Bodies on the potential risks associated with new technologies and to provide them with the tools to support innovation in a responsible way.

Specifically, the online workshop focused on how European public administrations can exploit the potential offered by artificial intelligence in a safe and reliable way. Today, in fact, we observe the growing need of European PAs to modernize their public services through the adoption of disruptive technologies.

Alessandro Bacci, General Director of Personnel and Director of the Information Systems and Innovation Department of the MEF, during his introduction stated that: "today's technological advances are becoming crucial for our economies and our development, and we need to design and implement them in a reliable, humane and ethical way ".

While these technologies can significantly contribute to the improvement of services, their adoption raises ethical issues that need to be proactively identified and managed. In particular, in the provision of public services to citizens, adherence to solid ethical standards must be guaranteed. However, PAs do not always have sufficient tools and procedures to assess the complexity and risks associated with the use of disruptive technologies. In light of this consideration, ETAPAS, following the European and national strategies, wants to develop a working methodology that helps public organizations to measure the ethical risks associated with the implementation of new technologies and to propose courses of action for risk mitigation.

Roberta Lotti, Head of Innovation at the Information Systems and Innovation Department of the MEF and Project Manager of the ETAPAS project adds: "thanks to the ETAPAS platform, there will be a practical tool that will allow other public organizations to assess the impacts disruptive technologies and a set of guidelines and recommendations to keep in mind when using these technologies for the delivery of public services. Furthermore, we can count on the collaboration and expertise of 14 partners from 8 different countries, made up of Public Administrations and public service providers, Technological and Research Institutes, Academic Partners ".

Knowing how to anticipate and evaluate these aspects will not only ensure greater public confidence but will improve the delivery of services which, as it is easy to assume, have a significant impact on a significant number of people.

Further information about the event and the Project are available here -
