angle-left News Anticipo del rinnovo dei contratti pubblici 2022-2024

Advance renewal of public contracts 2022-2024

The payment for the renewal of public contracts relating to the period 2022-2024 will be paid in December.

The advance payment for the renewal of public contracts provided for by the art. 3 of the Legislative Decree of 18 October 2023, n.145 will be paid in December. The advance will be paid, exceptionally in a single payment, in an amount equal to 6.7 times the gross annual value of the contractual holiday allowance (IVC).

The application concerns over one million four hundred thousand employees with permanent contracts, holders of contractual holiday allowance, belonging to the state administrations managed in NoiPA of the following sectors:

  • Ministries, Tax Agencies, Non-Economic Public Bodies, Bodies pursuant to art. 70 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 (CNEL, ANSFISA-ANSV)
  • Education and Research
  • Local Functions
  • Presidency of the Council of Ministers
  • Defense, Security and Public Rescue
  • Diplomatic career
  • Prefectural career

The amount paid, identifiable in the skills payslip with the code 967 and the words "ADVANCE RENEWAL CCNL 2022 - 2024", is subject to social security and welfare withholdings and excluded from the management of the contribution exemption.

