INTERLINK Project: presented the design for the MEF's Participatory Strategic Planning Module (PSPM)

More than thirty representatives from various Italian public administrations actively participated in the meeting, exchanging views and asking questions on how to engage

On 25 January 2023, the Workshop: 'Blueprint of the MEF's PSPM and Next Steps' was held, an initiative organized by the Directorate for Information Systems and Innovation (DSII) as part of INTERLINK, a European project that aims to develop a new governance model and a collaborative platform to ensure greater transparency, trust and legitimacy in bottom-up initiatives. 

The online meeting, attended by more than thirty stakeholders from various Italian public administrations, had three main objectives:

  • To recapitulate the stages relating to the first two years of implementation;
  • To present the result of the first work phase related to the Italian use case: the design of the MEF's Participatory Strategic Planning Module (PSPM);
  • Illustrate and launch the main milestones of the last year of work with a focus on the second phase of the Italian use case.

During the meeting, the MEF coordination group described how, starting from the three-year strategic planning plan, this is integrated in a participatory manner with the contributions of external users collected through the PSPM module. Subsequently, the plan for the second phase was presented, in which the direct involvement of all participating administrations is envisaged, from the setting up of activities to the release of the main functionalities of the PSPM prototype.

In February, the project activity also includes the activation of user groups that will be involved in the testing of the new platform functionalities.

With reference to the project execution phase, online co-creation events will be organized between May and September, according to the following plan, which will be formalized in the coming months:

  1. Webinar (May): will aim to test some features of the PSPM prototype;
  2. Co-creation Workshop (June): will aim to present further functionalities of the PSPM prototype and gather contributions;
  3. Final Workshop (September): the final version of the PSPM will be presented in order to give back to the project participants the main result of the Italian use case.

For all information on the INTERLINK project, please consult the dedicated page.

