angle-left Workshop ETAPAS - Disruptive Technologies in the Public Administration Sector: Legal challenges

Workshop: Disruptive Technologies in the Public Administration Sector

On November 25th, from 9.00 AM to 1 PM, the event "Disruptive Technologies in the Public Administration Sector: Legal challenges" will be held as part of the ETAPAS (Ethical Technology Adoption in Public Administration Services) project. Registration is open until November 22nd.

The "ETAPAS" project aims to develop tools to support Public Administrations to assess and manage the ethical, social and legal challenges of disruptive technologies.

The workshop, with the participation of a panel of international experts, is an useful opportunity to highlight the implications of the use of Disruptive Technologies on fundamental rights and for a first discussion on the EU draft regulation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) also in order to promote a better understanding of the common legal challenges to be faced.


Keynote Speakers

  • Andrea Bertolini, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Pisa, Institute of Law, Policy and Development;
  • Elena Buoso, University of Padua, Department of Public, International and EU Law;
  • Paul Nemitz, Directorate General Justice and Consumers, European Commission;
  • Karl Stöger, University of Vienna, Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law.

Other speakers involved:

Josef Baker-Brunnbauer, Social Tech Lab; Markus Fallenböck, University of Graz; Daniel Tögl, Parkside Interactive Graz; Tatjana Evas, European Commission; Elisabeth Paar, University of Vienna; Severin Kacianka, TU Munich; Viktoria H.S.E. Robertson, Vienna University of Economics and Business & University of Graz; Giovanni Zaccaroni, University of Malta.

For further information and registration:
