angle-left Pubblicato il Decreto legge “misure urgenti per la semplificazione e l'innovazione digitale”

The Decree law “Urgent measures for digital simplification and innovation” has been published

The package of measures to expand digitization in the Public Administration and make life easier for citizens.

The Decree, published on July 16th in the Gazzetta Ufficiale, aims to promote the dissemination of public services on the internet and simplify their access by citizens and firms.

The norms, which define clear rules and deadlines to be respected, aims to produce a strong acceleration in country's digital transformation process. In fact, by 28 February 2021, all digital services of the Public Administration must be available exclusively through the digital identity SPID or the electronic ID card. By the same date, public offices must begin the transformation process to allow digital services to be accessible from the mobile phone through the "IO" application, the single channel of access to all public administration services.

Let's look in detail the most relevant points for the PA and for the citizens.

Only SPID or Electronic ID cards to access all public services online

By February 28th 2021, all public Entities and the Public Administration will have to dismiss their online identification systems and only adopt the digital identity SPID and CIE (Electronic Identity Card) to allow citizens access to digital services. It remains possible to use different credentials until the natural expiration date and, in any case, no later than September 30th 2021.

This measure makes it easier for citizens to use services and allows public Entities and administrations to achieve savings as they will no longer have to take charge of managing the identity delivery and management systems of their users.

Digital platform for the notification of PA acts

The Decree also provides for the launch of the single digital platform for the notification of PA acts and measures to citizens and businesses. The paper recommendation is replaced by a digital communication, with consequent simplification for the activity of the administration and time saving for citizens who will be able to have the act available on their cell phone. It remains confirmed, for citizens who do not have a digital domicile, the procedure of delivery by ordinary mail.

Towards the national cloud

The Decree includes provisions aimed at encouraging the creation of a national cloud to protect the technological autonomy of the country, to secure the digital infrastructures of the Public Administration, to guarantee the quality and security of data and digital services. By exploiting economies of scale in terms of concentration of demand for resources and infrastructure, it is possible to have reliable and secure infrastructures.

It is introduced the obligation for central public administrations to migrate their Data Processing Centers (DPCs), which do not have the security requirements set by the Agency for Digital Italy (Agid), to a highly reliable infrastructure, located in Italy, whose development is promoted by the Presidency of the Council. Alternatively, central governments can migrate their services to cloud solutions for the Public Administration that meet the requirements set by Agid. The same obligation is provided for local administrations that are required to transfer their services to the infrastructure promoted by the Presidency of the Council or other infrastructure in the territory and in possession of the security requirements. Alternatively, local administrations, such as central administrations, can transfer their digital services to cloud solutions for the Public Administration, in compliance with the requirements established by Agid.

To know in detail all the measures provided by the Decree click here.
