angle-left Nuovi servizi per la comunicazione delle assenze, degli scioperi e per la segnalazione delle retribuzioni spettanti ai Giudici di Pace

New services for the communication of absences, strikes and the reporting of wages due to the Justices of the Peace

The applications SciopNet, AssenzeNet and GiudiciNet, will be definitively discontinued from October 1st.

From September 7th 2020, new services will be available in the private area of the portal for the communication of absences, strikes and for the reporting of wages due to the Justices of the Peace.

The new services will replace the applications SciopNet, AssenzeNet and GiudiciNet, currently present in the footer of the public area of the portal NoiPA, which will be definitively discontinued from October 1st.

The new services will be reachable from the home page of the portal clicking on the voice "Access to the private area", on the top right.

In order to access the new services, it is necessary to forward as soon as possible the request for the allocation of the nominal users through the contacts for utilities management, according to the new process communicated to all administrations.

In fact, from October 1st, it will no longer be possible to use the currently used utilities for old applications.

The new services, thanks also to the authentication mode in the private area, guarantee greater control and security in use and allow the operator to interact in a new way with the system, being able to access, through the internal messaging tools of the NoiPA portal, real-time information on the services used and, more generally, on the NoiPA world.
