Glaciation: How to Integrate Energy Efficiency and Big Data Security”

The event “Harmonising Energy and Privacy in Big Data” is scheduled for September 22 in Klagenfurt, Austria, to explore the possibility of a model that integrates energy efficiency and security.

The public meeting, which can also be attended online, takes place at the end of the second General Assembly of Glaciation (September 20-21) and aims to start a discussion on the theme of convergence between energy efficiency objectives and privacy maintenance, challenging the idea that these concepts are inherently contradictory in the field of Big Data.

The growing interest in developing models that allow data operations that maintain high privacy standards while at the same time ensuring a contained ecological impact is not just a temporary trend, but opens the door to a significant change in how companies and the public sector approach data management. 

In this context, the Glaciation project is at the forefront of innovation, with a primary focus on developing a solution capable of making data movement more efficient by allocating operations along an edge-core-cloud structure through an artificial intelligence (AI) system, with the aim of reducing energy requirements. At the same time, the proposal for a technically “robust” architecture that integrates security by design principles from the design stage allows for maintaining high standards of accuracy and respect for privacy. 

The main objective of the Harmonising Energy and Privacy in Big Data meeting is therefore to explore the potential of projects like Glaciation to contribute to a solution that harmonises energy sustainability needs with data security protection in the use of Big Data. 

For this purpose, the event includes two distinct sessions: an introductory appointment from 8:45 to 11:15 which will see the presentation of two keynote speeches given by Mr. Thomas Mariacher of Asfinag and Mr. Christian Inzko representing the Federal Government of Carinthia. Meanwhile the second session will be animated by an interactive workshop to explore key themes related to the following areas:

  • Challenges and Opportunities (Room 1)
  • Balance between Energy and Privacy (Room 2)
  • Data Centricity and Interoperability (Room 1)
  • Exploration on the use of Artificial Intelligence (Room 2)

The works will continue until 13:15 and will be summarized in a brief concluding intervention by Andreas Kercek, Research Manager at Lakeside Labs.

Further information and details on the Glaciation project are available on the portal.


