Glaciation will be the protagonist of Data Week 2023

The Glaciation project will be presented on June 13th as part of Data Week 2023 which will be held in Luleå, Sweden, during the meeting entitled “Digital technologies and processes for sustainable and secure data management, use and re-use of data”.

The Glaciation project (Green responsibLe privACy preservIng dAta operaTIONs), has been launched last October as part of Horizon Europe 2021-2027 and coordinated by the MEF-DSII. The project aims to identify concrete solutions to limit energy consumption throughout the data management process, while ensuring security and privacy protection. 

The Glaciation’s workshop, scheduled during Data Week 2023, will also represent a possibility to discuss about four other Horizon Europe projects (MobiSpaces, Tango, Teadal and Trustee), which have the common goal of working on technologies and solutions for compliance and privacy protection. 

Data Week represents the spring forum of European research and innovation communities on the theme of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven by data. During the event, participants will share knowledge and results, discuss topics of common interest, have the opportunity to create synergies, build new collaborations and identify new challenges for the future. Data Week also has the important function of linking communities and their results with European policies and market needs, bringing European initiatives closer to local communities. 

The 2023 edition is co-organized by the Big Data Value Association and the EUHubs4Data project in collaboration with Swedish research institutes (RISE). 

For more information on the description of the event and on the speakers who will take part in the talk, please refer to the official website: Data Week 2023.

