Application of the new classification system and the new remuneration structure

From November 2022, NoiPA will apply the new classification system and the new remuneration structure

Starting from November 2022, based on Art. 18 and 44 of the National Collective Labor Agreement (CCNL) of the Central Functions Section 2019-2021, NoiPA system applied the new personnel classification system and the new remuneration structure.

The application concerns all non-executive personnel belonging to the former Ministries Section, Tax Agencies, Non-Economic Public Organization, Organizations ex Art. 70 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 except for AGID and ENAC, ANSFISA and ANSV for which the new rules on professional classification systems will apply only following the signing of a specific negotiating sequence.

The value of the gross annual salary remains unchanged, but the salary structure which provides for:

  • The new tabular salary, linked to the area of belonging
  • the incorporated Special Supplementary Indemnity (IIS) which remains unchanged
  • the Administration Indemnity, divided within the Administrations by single area paid for twelve months
  • the Contractual Holiday Allowance (IVC) which does not undergo restatements, therefore the amount already allocated remains to the administered staff
  • The Differential Art. 52, a new salary-type allowance associated with the new qualifications and distinct for each single Administration, paid for thirteen months, into which part of the Administration Indemnity has flowed.

There is also a salary-type check associated with the new areas, paid for thirteen months, which will be awarded because of the economic progressions within the areas carried out with effect after first of November 2022.

As a result of the new pay structure, hourly rates for overtime work will also be redetermined.


