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Administered personnel

Administered by province of residence

The dataset allows you to observe, in the month of reference, the trend of the distribution of...

Administered by municipality of the Administration's organizational unit

The dataset makes it possible to observe, in the month of reference, the trend in the...

Methods for crediting salaries

The dataset allows to observe, in the reference month, the number of payments grouped by...

Administrators Mobility

The dataset allows to observe, in the month of reference, the phenomenon of commuting by...

Access Mode

The dataset shows information regarding the methods used by the administered users to access the...


Bodies Organizational Structure

The dataset allows you to observe, in the month of reference, the trend of the distribution of...

Working relationship

Classification of administrators

The dataset makes it possible to observe the trend in the distribution over the territory of the...

Contractual frameworks for Administration

The dataset makes it possible to observe, during the month of reference, the trend in the...

Reasons for hiring

The dataset makes it possible to observe, in the month of reference, the trend of the...

Reasons for termination

The dataset makes it possible to observe, in the month of reference, the trend of terminations...

Economic treatment

Evolution of deductions for dependent family members

The dataset contains the number of administrators benefiting from deductions per spouse,...

Family allowances

The dataset makes it possible to observe, in the month of reference, the number of...

Accounted absences for economic purposes

The Dataset allows you to observe the trend of the quantified absences with hourly and daily...

Social security withholdings

The dataset allows you to observe the trend of social security withholdings made on the...

Withholding taxes

The dataset allows you to observe the trend of withholding tax (IRPEF) made on the emoluments of...

Withholding taxes for credit claims

The dataset allows you to observe the payment of withholding tax applied to the employee for...

Withholding tax for trade union membership

The dataset allows you to observe the withholding tax applied to the administration for...

Income from employment and the like, certified by the Administration

The dataset allows you to observe, during the reporting year, the income from employment and the...

The data extracted from databases and used for the creation of datasets have characteristics of completeness, accuracy, and impartiality. However, such data may present implicit biases (possible distortions in the evaluation of facts, global phenomena, or events), resulting from aggregation processes and correlation between different data sources (cross-analysis) or from specific social, cultural, and economic dynamics of the context.
Therefore, in order to mitigate such biases, it is suggested to adopt pre-processing techniques, such as reweighting and resampling, before using the datasets.